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What We Are Really Good At

We provide a large range of inspection services and use advanced reporting software, quality tools and technology to get your report to you on the same day.


Pre-Sale/ Purchase Inspections


Timber Pest Inspections


Pre Auction report


Tax Depreciation Schedule


Pre-Sale/ Purchase Inspections

We provide a large range of inspection services and use advanced reporting software, quality tools and technology to get your report to you on the same day.


Timber Pest Inspections

Whether a residential or commercial property, termites can attack virtually any structure containing timber, with 1 in 4  Australian homes being affected by termites. The fact is, termites do more damage to Australian property than fire, storms and earthquakes combined.


Pre Auction report

We know you might be wary of paying for a Pre-Auction Report before you put in the bid, particularly as you may not win. We understand this, and so we guarantee that if you don’t win the first auction and need a second inspection for another auction property, it will be discounted within a 12-month period.


Tax Depreciation Schedule

As a building gets older and wears out, it depreciates in value. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) allows owners of an income-producing property to claim this depreciation as a decline in value as a tax deduction. We will visit the property and search high and low to identify all claimable deductions.



Properties contaminated from former meth labs are popping up all across Australia. The chemical residues left behind are toxic and can lead to serious long lasting health effects and even death. Don’t be the next victim!



If you’re looking at purchasing a home that’s part of a Strata set up, have you thought about getting a Strata corp inspection audit that could affect the overall value?



Are you purchasing a property or owning a property built before 1990? If so, we recommend having an asbestos survey and accompanying report completed for total peace of mind.

Reach Out To Us

Do you want to reach out for more information or see how we can help you? Reach out to us by clicking on the button below